



Climate science boost with tropical aerosols profile

The seasonal influence of aerosols on Australia's tropical climate can now be included in climate models following completion of the first long-term study of fine smoke particles generated by burning of the savanna open woodland and grassland.


The contribution of particulate matter to forest decline

Bonn University scientists demonstrate that hygroscopic air pollutants decrease tree drought tolerance


Study finds air pollution and noise pollution increase cardiovascular risk

 Both fine-particle air pollution and noise pollution may increase a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease, according to German researchers who have conducted a large population study, in which both factors were considered simultaneously.


Exposure to traffic pollution increases asthma severity in pregnant women

 Air pollutants from traffic are associated with increased asthma severity levels in pregnant asthmatic women, according to a new study.


Sulfate aerosols cool climate less than assumed

Sulfur dioxide is as antagonist of greenhouse gases less effective than previously assumed. It forms sulfate aerosol particles in the air, which reflect sunlight, and as so-called cloud condensation nuclei influence the chemical processes within clouds. Therefore, sulfate aerosol particles help to cool the earth, making them an important factor in climate models.


Metro: Helsinkiläiset hengittäv kofeiinia

Tarkat ilman mittaukset ovat paljastaneet, että helsinkiläiset hengittäv aika ajoin kofeiinia sisältäviä pienhiukkasia. Hiukkaset ovat lähtöisin Meiran kahvipaahtimolta Sturenkadulta. Kofeiinimolekyylit jäiv haaviin Ilmatieteen laitoksen Kumpulan mittausasemalla.


Markku Rajala T&T:n blogissaan:Kiinan vientiin tarvitaan romaani, ei novelli

Lue Markku Rajalan uusin blogikirjoitus Tekniikka ja Talous -lehden blogista.


Long-term exposure to air pollution is associated with survival following acute coronary syndrome

Mortality from all causes was higher among individuals with greater exposure to PM2.5 in survivors of hospital admission for ACS in England and Wales. Despite higher exposure to PM2.5 among those from more deprived areas, such exposure was a minor contribution to the socioeconomic inequalities in prognosis following ACS.
