



Short-term exposure to most major air pollutants associated with increased risk of heart attack

 Short-term exposure (for up to 7 days) to all major air pollutants, with the exception of ozone, is significantly associated with an increased risk of heart attack, according to a review and meta-analysis of previous studies appearing in the February 15 issue of JAMA.


Even moderate air pollution can raise stroke risks

 Air pollution, even at levels generally considered safe by federal regulations, increases the risk of stroke by 34 percent, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center researchers have found.


Aerosol Particle Increase Linked To More Rainfall: Study

A rise in the atmosphere of aerosols - miniscule particles which include soot, dust and sulphates - has led to more rainfall in certain parts of the world and could provide vital clues for future climate predictions, a scientific study shows.

A deeper understanding of rainfall patterns would aid scientists' ability to predict changing trends in the climate.


Wood-burning stoves - harmful or safe?

Wood-burning stoves are a popular source of heating in many countries. However in recent years there has been much debate about the potential negative health effects associated with wood smoke. A Norwegian researcher has studied the influence of combustion conditions on the emissions and their health effects.


Vuoden Professori - akatemiaprofessori Markku Kulmala

Professoriliitto on valinnut Vuoden Professoriksi akatemiaprofessori Markku Kulmalan Helsingin yliopistosta. Kulmala on kansainvälinen huippututkija aerosoli- ja ympäristöfysiikan alalla. Valinta julkistettiin Communicatio Academica -tapahtumassa perjantaina Oulussa. Vuoden Professorin palkintosumma on 18 000 euroa.


Väitös: ”Ioniliikkuvuusspektrometrian sovellus ilmakehutkimukseen"

Diplomi-insinööri Anna-Kaisa Viitasen fysiikan alaan kuuluva väitöskirja ”Application of Ion Mobility Spectrometry in Atmospheric Studies” (”Ioniliikkuvuusspektrometrian sovellus ilmakehutkimukseen”) tarkastettiinn Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston (TTY) teknis-luonnontieteellisessä tiedekunnassa torstaina 5.1.2012.


Ilmastopaneelin puheenjohtajaksi professori Markku Kulmala

Ympäristöministeriö on asettanut Ilmastopaneelin edistämään tieteen ja politiikan välistä vuoropuhelua ilmastokysymyksissä. Paneelin puheenjohtajaksi on nimetty Helsingin yliopiston professori Markku Kulmala, joka on maailman johtavia ilmakehän aerosolien tutkijoita.


Itä-Suomen yliopistoon FiDIPro-professori kehittämään bioaerosolilaboratoriota

Tekes tiedotti 2.11.2011 viidestä uudesta kansainvälisestä tutkimusprojektista FiDiPro, Finland Distinguished Professor -ohjelmassa.


Insoluble dust particles can form cloud droplets affecting global and regional climates

New information on the role of insoluble dust particles in forming cloud droplets could improve the accuracy of regional climate models, especially in areas of the world that have significant amounts of mineral aerosols in the atmosphere. A more accurate accounting for the role of these particles could also have implications for global climate models.


Cutting soot emissions: Fastest, most economical way to slow global warming

A new study of dust-like particles of soot in the air — now emerging as the second most important — but previously overlooked — factor in global warming provides fresh evidence that reducing soot emissions from diesel engines and other sources could slow melting of sea ice in the Arctic faster and more economically than any other quick fix, a scientist reported here today.
